AFRICA TOP TEN large and medium sized cities, arcaeological sites, unique beauties

I have only visited five countries in Africa: Egypt twice (once the archaeological sites from Giza to Aswan) and the other around Sharm el Sheik then six trips mainly seaside but with several excursions and one itinerant in Tunisia, one in Algiers and a nearby historic location and then with the plane I fly to Tamanrasset to go around the Hoggar Tassili in a 4x4 jeep, one itinerant as a couple along all of Morocco and a group trip through the national parks of Tanzania, climbing up to 3,000 meters of Kilimanjaro and final week-long holiday on Mafia Island. However, I have seen several documentaries about other countries and I think I know how to judge them a little Large cities: Cape Town, Marrakech, Fes, Rabat, Algiers, Tunis, Alexandria, Port Elizabeth, Malindi, Adis Ababa Medium cities; Hammamet, Tozeur, Sousse, Tangier, Dakar, Tabarka, Sidi Bou Said, Arusha, Sharm el Sheik, Archaeological sites and antiquities: Giza, Luxor, Aswan, Abu Simbel, Volubilis, Lalibela, Valley of the Kings and Queens, Queen Ashepshut Temple, the great mosque of Djenne, El Jem Unique beauties: Mount Kilimanjaro, the Serengeti Park, the Okawango Delta, the Namib Desert, the Flower Coast, the Victoria Falls, the Masai Mara Park, the Hogar Tassili mountains, the coral reefs of the Red Sea, the beaches of Mauritius and Seychelles ​


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